Team Names
Cell# or Email
Team Info Team Member 1 1. Name: Cell # or Email:
Team Member 2 2. Name: Cell # or Email:
Team Member 3 3. Name: Cell # or Email:
Team Member 4 4. Name: Cell # or Email:


Please fill out all information

Rain Fall (from in inches:



Before beginning, the team should identify where each zone of the rain garden begins and ends. Identify the outside edges of the rain garden and the different zones.

- Zone 1 is the flat area on bottom. Zone 1 will be divided up into thirds and called Sections 1A, 1B and 1C.

- Zone 2 is bottom of overflow to top of Zone 1

- Zone 3 is from bottom of overflow up to defined edge. If the edge is unclear, zone 3 ends one meter out from the level of the overflow water level.

III-1. Contributing water source (check all that apply):

III-2. Does overflow direct water away from facility?:

Overflow 1:
Overflow 2:
Overflow 3:

III-3. Blockages:

Inflow 1 Inflow 2 Inflow 3 Sheet Flow
Percent Blockage
Overflow 1 Overflow 2 Overflow 3
Inflow 1 Inflow 2 Inflow 3 Sheet Flow
Blockage type
Overflow 1 Overflow 2 Overflow 3

III-4. Erosion:

Rank the severity of erosion and/or channelization observed in each zone of the rain garden.

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
Erosion / Channelization

III-5. Other Hydrology Concerns:

Please describe any situations that may affect hydrology that is not accounted for in the information collected.


IV-1. Zone 1 Length

IV-2. Standing Water, Siltation, and Liners:

Sect. 1A (Left Third) Sect. 1B (Midpoint) Sect. 1C (Right Third)
Standing Water Depth (inches)
Siltation Depth
Is Liner present?
At what depth (inches)?
Is Filter Fabric present?
At what depth (inches)?

IV-3. Soil Texture:

1A 1B 1C
Depth to Native Soils (inches)
Compacted surface soils?
Rain Garden Mix Soil Texture
Native Soil Texture
Native Soils: The soils which the facility was built in; not soil added to make the rain garden

IV-4. Other Substrate Observations:


V-1. Substrate:

Use the key and guide below to assess characteristics in each zone of the rain garden.
1A 1B 1C 2 3
Type of Mulch
Depth of Mulch

Shredded Mulch: stringy/fibrous with long, coarse particles of varying lengths

Fine Mulch: ground wood chips or barks with particles 1” or less, leaf litter and dead vegetation

Coarse Mulch: arborist chips, nuggets, play chips with particles typically 1–3”

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
Mulch Coverage
Bare Ground Coverage
Pea Gravel Coverage
Drain Rock Coverage
2-12" Rock Coverage
>12" Rock/Log Coverage

V-2. Rain Garden Vegetation:

Please use cover classes and vigor codes (below) to indicate coverage and plant figor ranking for each vegetation type. This is a visual observation in which you are only looking at the surface of the rain garden. Please use field guides provided to identify target problem plants.

For vigor, refer to these slides

For coverage, refer to these slides.

Vegetation Type Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
All Vegetation: Coverage
Target Problem Plants: Coverage
Non-Target Weeds: Coverage
Deciduous Shrubs/Trees: Coverage
Evergreen Shrubs/Trees: Coverage
Herbaceous: Coverage
Ground Cover: Coverage

V-3. Other Vegetation Observations:

V-4. Public Amenities:

Select a rank to answer each of the following questions:
How visible is the site to the public?
How aesthetically pleasing is this site?
How well maintained is this site?
Is there any educational signage affiliated with the rain garden?

V-5. Other Observations: